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Week 5

For a while, I had no sense of spirituality whatsoever. I didn’t go to church (I still don’t, but it’s different now), I didn’t feel a strong connection to anything at all. Honestly, I don’t even remember when that changed. I wish I could say that I can pinpoint the exact moment I went from being aimless in the spiritual plane to being known as the hippie-tree-hugging-universe-based-cosmic-tied-witch I am today, but there was no overwhelming, flash of light, “this is what I’m meant to be” moment. It was just a gradual process. One day I was nothing, then I was something, granted I still don’t know what I call myself. Earth witch? Universe bound? Karmic believer?

I believe what you put out into the world will come back to you tenfold. I believe that if you take care of the Earth, the Earth will provide for you. If you take care of others, you in turn will be taken care of. It may not be right then and there, it may not be by those you had taken care of, but it will be done. 

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