Free-Spirited Spirituality

Just a girl looking at stars

Spiritual Journey
"... if someone had enough faith, then could indeed work miracles. But she did not want that kind of faith; she did not love God and His Mother and the saints in that way. She loved the world and longed for the world." (Sigrid Undset's Kristin Lavransdatter, page 68)
Stage 1: The Immersion
Catholic School: The Little Me
As a child, I attended Catholic private schools. From pre-school through fourth grade, Catholicism was the only thing I knew. It was never my choice to begin with, and if I had the choice, I'm not sure it is one I would have made for myself.
Stage 2: Free Floating
The Disillusionment of Ideals
After leaving the Catholic school system and watching the collapse of my family, there was a great disconnect between me and all organized religion. Everything felt wrong, muddled, and weird. From middle school to the first year of COVID, I was drifting along, not really sticking to one life philosophy because nothing felt right.
Stage 3: Who I Am Today
Open Mind, Open Heart
Today, I do not follow any specific religion. I remember the things I learned in my religion classes as a child, taking things that made sense to me then and incorporated them into my every day life. I feel more at ease listening to nature, showing kindness every day, and